Keely Banks McPhearson’s work explores the impacts archetypical images of nature have on feelings of wholeness, belonging, and the integration of all aspects of human experience. Through block prints, photography and painting, Keely examines organic complexity, multiplicity, and intricacy, and the resulting sense of peace and balance that comes when faced with iconic images of nature. In her work, images such as trees, mushrooms, ocean waves, and other natural phenomena appear simple at first glance, but display an extraordinary degree of detail that represent systems of interconnectedness and interdependence of existence, of which humans are an integral part, both as witness and participant.
Keely has managed her family's homestead for the past 15 years, growing vegetables, flowers, herbs, and raising children, chickens, rabbits and bees. She is an avid mushroom and plant forager, with a great respect for harvesting less than 10% of what is abundant. She has studied herbalism with Rosemary Gladstar's Sage Mountain and mushrooms with Gary Lincoff. Keely studies piano, fiddle and mandolin, and treasures all opportunities to co-create a sustainable, resilient world for all beings.